Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Adam Curry flipin and floping

In our travels, we've run into a handful of Adam Curry fans.

We hear he's mentioned why he screwed us over on is show, daily source code.

He lied again to his listeners - It had ZERO to do with insurance.

It had everything to do with his disregard for hardworking folks like me and my wife.

It's simple.
Adam Curry is NOT a man of his word.

I wish I could post up all of the notes from podcasters stuck in deals with Adam Curry - folks still on fledgling podshow network - folks who have been lied to over and over again.

This blog might seem crazy, and it is.
It's meant as part warning and part release.

I encourage folks with Adam Curry stories to post them here and all over the net - he's a Cancer to podcasting and needs to be cut out.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

How Curry fell in love with Shane and Amy - THE VIDEO

Description: This is a lil infomercial we put together to give an idea of some of our plans... this was the demo video that prompted Adam Curry to give us his car, and promise to make this trip happen with his full support and without B.S.

This vid is 20% of the master plan, so stay tuned and GET INVOLVED!!

A year at the wheel DEMO

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